How Can I Get Help?

Self-Empowered Healing Journey
Help for Preventing and Reversing
Complex Health Conditions.
Detailed Functional Medicine prescriptions and science-proven mind-body techniques. Journey components:
10 hours of expert medical consultation
Eat More YUM! Expert personalized condition-specific nutrition plan
Free membership to exclusive content including
Mind Movies For Health
Curated health articles
15% discount on supplements
Eat More YUM!
Personalized Condition-specific Nutrition
Definitive foods, explicit preparation instructions, eating-out guidance, shopping lists, and videos are just the start. We can personalize this for you with testing , such as the Organic Acids Test or a Micronutrient Intracellular Assay which can be monitored over time to give you feedback about how your actual nutrition is affecting your body.
3 hours of consultation include free membership to exclusive content including Mind Movies For Health, curated health articles, 15% discount on supplements